Privacy Policy
Weiroch Lodge, as a Data Controller, is bound by the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
By communicating with Weiroch Lodge you agree that we are entitled to use and process the information you provide to us. This will be used for updating and enhancing our records in a manner compliant with GDPR.
Your data is shared with our booking agent, Inn Style, for the purpose of completing your booking or making a booking enquiry. Their privacy policy can be found here.
By giving your contact details you agree that we may contact you for purposes including marketing. You may refuse to receive any marketing emails from Weiroch Lodge in the future.
This Privacy Policy applies to the Weiroch Lodge website only.
Our Cookie policy will appear as a separate pop-up when you first visit the page.
If you have any comments or questions about privacy you should contact us. You may at any time request the removal from our records of any information that we hold about you.
If you have any questions about our data policy you can contact is in the following ways:
Weiroch Lodge
Morayshire AB37 9BG
Tel: 01807 500797
Mobile: 077 646 61725